Simple Easter holiday activities

Simple Easter holiday activities

We’ve been living under Covid 19 restrictions for over 1 year now, meaning that school holidays have changed a lot. With holidays either in the UK or abroad out of the picture and a restriction on the number of people we can see and where we can go, knowing what to do during the Easter holidays is complicated. 

Children still want and need to be entertained even if we have limitations placed upon us. Here are some of our ideas to try during the Easter holidays: 


Let them have ‘me’ time

Half an hour to yourself as a parent is utter bliss and as a child, this quiet time is important too. Make sure you give them time to enjoy playing on their own or watching a film in peace. Make sure they have a place they can go to relax and enjoy playing. Whether this is an under bed play area, a corner of the living room or in their bedroom, every child wants a space they can enjoy spending some me-time once in a while. You might even have the opportunity to enjoy a hot cuppa in peace too! 

Egg-splore the outdoors

Simple Easter holiday activities

Take a walk around the local neighbourhood, explore the nearby woods and indulge in the play area in the park. You could write a tick list of everything the kids need to spot on their spring adventure way or even create an Easter Egg hunt for them to relish in the challenge! Whatever you plan to do, a walk in the brisk spring air will help them fall asleep in no time when their head hits the pillow that night. The perfect reason to get outside some might say! 

Plus, as lockdown rules have eased somewhat, you can now meet other people and families outside so you might be able to spend time with cousins or friends. 


Tablet time is ok

If the kids are driving you completely insane, the weather outside is horrendous and nothing is taking their interest then a bit of time on their tablets is okay. It keeps them occupied, safe and most importantly gives you a little bit of sanity too! 

They’ve had a chaotic few months just like you, so why not let them unwind and relax on their tablet. Plus, there’s more to the internet than Youtube or Tik Tok, find some games that are fun and educational for them to enjoy if you’re conscious about spending too much time online.


Simple Easter holiday activities

Get baking 

There’s lots of spring bake to get your children in the kitchen and go wild on the design.  There are loads of simple and tasty recipes online, or you could even buy a baking kit from the supermarket to make things a little easier. Plus, you could even leave them as a little treat on the doorstep of friends or family who has been alone during the lockdown as a little pick me up. Kids love knowing that they’ve cheered someone up and the recipient will love it too! 

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