Summer Boys bedroom transformation

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Our kids bedrooms are often one of the most transformed places in the home purely because our Children grow and develop at such a rapid pace. We have a wide range of inspirational kids beds to find the perfect solution for every child, including the little boy in your life. Summer is the perfect time to create the ultimate boys bedroom whilst the light nights are here and the warmer weather.


Play up to their interests

Create the ultimate boy’s bedroom by finding a bed that matches their interests and hobbies. Whether they love race cars, buses, space or sports you can find a bed that suits their personality. Plus, you can also be clever and find a bed that also offers plenty of storage so you can neatly put away all of their Christmas gifts this year without a big mess in your boy’s bedroom floor. Your little boy will be amazed at their new bed and want to spend so much time in their brand new bed that bedtime will become the easiest part of the day!


Suit their bedroom needs 

One of the big ideas to consider when designing a boy’s bedroom is to consider their age, so you can get a perfectly designed bed for kids from toddler to teenager. We have a range of sleek daybeds that are perfect for a teenage bedroom. As a hybrid between a sofa and a bed, they provide plenty of space if your teen has their friends around whilst also ensuring a place for a comfortable and restorative night’s sleep.

We also have an extensive range of bunk beds and cabin beds that provide plenty of storage and functional sleep space for younger kids when a traditional single bed just isn’t a suitable option for your little boy’s bedroom.


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Keep it neutral

If you choose a neutral wall colour and bedroom furniture and use accessories to bring in your boys interests and hobbies. Use duvets and soft furnishings to bring in colours that can change as and when your son’s interests do. A neutral base such as a bed is the easiest way to keep things simple and means that you don’t have to change key bedroom features as and when your son’s tastes change.


At Kids Beds Online we absolutely love all of our beds and find them to be the perfect fit for any boy’s bedroom. Boy’s bedrooms don’t have to be boring. There are lots of different things you can do to make your kid’s bedroom fun, exciting and become a place they enjoy spending time in. Plus, if you create a bedroom that they want to spend time in, you’re more likely to get them into bed on time each night. It’s a win-win for you!

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