Theme bedroom ideas: most popular

london bus bunk bed 811 p 1

Finding the perfect bed for your child’s bedroom can be difficult. When interested can change so frequently, know what is and isn’t a good sleep solution can often be complicated. At Kids Beds Onlne we’ve brought together some of our favourite theme bedroom ideas for kids to try and make your decision process that little bit easier. 


Boy bedroom takeover

As the focal point of any bedroom, it is important to pick a bed that works with the room as a whole. For younger boys, they may love a feature bed such as a race car to channel their inner racer, a London double-decker bus to drive the streets or a bunk bed with a fun combination of space underneath and allow plenty of room for you to completely transform their own space.


Primary School Age Child

For many primary school-aged children a cabin bed is a great investment as it is so versatile to a child’s needs. They provide plenty of storage for toys and games but can also incorporate functional working areas such as desks, perfect for when they need to get their homework done or get a craft activity done in peace. Cabin beds often come with these incorporated into their design. 

It’s the perfect solution to mixing sleeping, homework and playtime in your child’s bedroom and there are so many designs for both girls and boys.


Princess palace 

Transform your little girl’s bedroom and give her the bedtime experience she will never forget with a brand new bed fit for a princess. Whether it’s a raised up mid or high sleeper to make her feel like she is the Queen of the castle or a playhouse framed bed that feels like the ultimate bedroom hideaway, there are so many options to create the ultimate princess palace this Winter. 


BIBLIOBED 2332 LISU FACEFunctional and fun designs

Julian Bowen beds are designed to meet the constantly changing needs of the consumer. They design beds that meet the growing demand of functional and sleek bedroom furniture alongside beds that can capture the imagination of children from the offset such as their racecar, London bus or campervan bed

Every bed the Julian Bowen design is built to meet a specific purpose and aspect of functionality. If your kids love their bed they are a lot more likely to want to get into bed on time and get a great night’s sleep. 


There are so many bedroom and bed options now that you can always find the perfect bed for your child. What better time of the year to give a gift that will light up your child’s face this Winter. If you need any help finding the perfect gift this year then please contact your helpful team of bed specialists to help you on your way. 

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